Hey, Old Man!!
There are two primary ways that a man is inducted into the club that we will hereto refer as “The Old Man's Club”. It is an ignominious...
“I walked forty-seven miles of barbed wire, I got a cobra snake for a necktie, a brand new house on the road side, made outta rattlesnake...
It’s OK to Change Your Socks Every Day
I didn't start buying my own clothes until I was 19 years old. By then, I had my first job, I had a couple of bucks in my pocket, and I...
I’ve Only Had Two New Cars in my Lifetime
As an itinerant tinkerer, I enjoyed working on used cars. Tune-ups, oil changes, brake jobs, and repairs made me feel at home. The...
I Once Petted a Fly
19 was a weird year for me. No..wait…let’s start over. My earliest memories are eating soap in the men’s room of a high school baseball...
I Live in a Secret World, Full to the Brim with Joy, Beauty, and Pain
There are several hummingbirds in the backyard that come to me when I call them. That is weird, and more than a bit unsettling. I’m not...
The Arrogance of Digital Photography
To be fair, I am quite grateful for the advances the digital world has made in the past 7-10 years. I certainly would not have been able...
Public Relations
(stock Getty Image) I am quite familiar with the meaning of this oftentimes maligned skill set. Both my wife and our daughter chose this...
There are no Coincidences in Life
While I never envisioned this blog to be a reflection on my day to day, an incident earlier this morning bears closer examination. I seem...
Jobs That Only Lasted a Day (or Two…)
It took me a long time to grow up, to become responsible, to recognize the difference between being a boy and being a man. I easily...
No one drinks alcohol because they are thirsty, not even an Irish priest…
In high school there was a secret place near a river out in the woods where some of the bravest souls would gather on the weekend to...
Falcon Flex(ing)
I recently found the perfect metaphor for myself. Our glorious daughter Sasha, who lives and works on the east coast, likes to travel up...
“A Little Nostalgia for the Old Folks”
That’s an irreverent intro to a Frank Zappa song from the late 60’s. Zappa’s sly way of poking fun at his own generation – done sparingly...
Everyone wants to put me in a box. At 74 I will be in one permanently more sooner than later, however this is not good enough for the...
The Story Behind the Story (Part 13)
In my early years as a photographer, it was disconcerting to me that I could not both participate and observe life as it unfolded in...
Can You Hear Me Now?
Once I got comfortable living in the desert in the mid 70’s, I decided it was time to enroll in some adult education classes at our local...
There Was a Day...
As I sit here moaning and groaning and staring at the neoprene sleeves on my knees and my elbows and my wrists, my mind flies back to a...
Paybacks are a Bitch! (Part 2)
Before there was an internet, before there was a smart phone, there was still eBay. The year was 2000, and I was busy selling my photo...
My Best Friend Came Home
I’ve spoken of this before; I can’t overemphasize the importance of it. For those of us who believe in God, He has two fundamental ways...
Not a Wise Crack
The bag boy had accidentally dropped a gallon of water on the floor and it exploded like a miniature H-bomb early this afternoon. The...