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No New Normal

Certain events in life are pivotal, because they force an alternative reality upon you – a cloak or mantle not easily shrugged off. I...

I (almost) Never Ask Permission

The essence of street photography lies in the ability to masterfully capture a moment as it moves from not-yet-a-photo to is-a-photo to...

On Being Genuine (Part Two)

When I went to see my orthopedic surgeon prior to starting to skydive, he told me my legs would be ok, put I had to stop jogging – it was...

Look Before You Leap

I don’t write about what happens on a daily basis as some bloggers do, but something happened today. Rarely does 72 hours transpire...

The Story Behind the Stories (Part Ten)

My high school graduating class of 1967 has proven to be unusually cohesive after all these years. While I did not attend the tenth...

On Being Genuine (Part One)

When I look back on the people who have come and gone in my life, I am always drawn to the 1%’ers. I was fortunate to have been accepted...

The Worst Thing I Ever Did to My Wife

Working at the “Color Lab” on Yonkers Ave was one sweet job. Each printer had their own room. Printing was done on an automated enlarger...

There Was a Day…

If there are two more different people in the world than me and my Phyllis, I’ve never met them. If the old saw opposites attract is...

Cats and God

People either believe in God or they don’t. This is an attempt to simply raise the question “Is it possible?” I am a believer, always...

No Expectations, No Disappointments

In Loving memory, Archbishop Nicola Rotunno, 12/1/1928 – 2/8/1999 Archbishop Nicola Rotunno was the Apostolic Nuncio to Burundi, Rwanda...

Of Course I Carry a Gun

I have legally carried a concealed weapon for 12 years now – my four CCW permits allow me to carry in 38 states. My history with firearms...

Paybacks are a Bitch

My first cat was named after my friend Tommy Cromack, who lived on Third Ave. Tommy was a blond haired, blue-eyed-all-American boy. He...

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