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Do As I Say, Not As I Do…

Hypocrisy is the most despicable of all human traits because it attempts to justify immoral acts by pretending to be moral. I was only 14...

At a Loss for Words

I have never been at a loss for words during my life. Whether it be an answer to a question, a snappy comeback, or a quick-witted...

Higher Than I’d Ever Been Before

The mood in the plane was jovial, like teenagers out on their first date. We were about to do something that had never been done before...

A Ten

I find it curious that we use the same number to define the most beautiful woman imaginable, and also the worst possible pain we have...

Duzrd Doors (Jim Uses Them)

Most of my nightmares are so vicious, so despicable, and so patently evil that they would make “Nightmare on Elm Street” look like a...

In Your Own Backyard

I've always enjoyed challenging myself to ‘see’ as hard as I could in my own backyard first -- before wandering out into the world to...

“I Wanna Get Laid”

In 1993 I was working as a long-term substitute Language Arts teacher at Jefferson Middle School in Indio CA. Teaching was a very natural...

Drawer of Dreams

When I was a child, mom and dad would take me to New York to visit my grandparents. They lived in Brooklyn (Bedford-Stuyvesant) and were...

A Tuna Fish Sandwich Saved My Life

My father and his brother both landed on Omaha Beach on June 6,1944. He was 19 years old. When I think back to where I was (and who I...

Make it hurt

The simple fact that prison is not the most tedious and boring place in the world (as it was through the 1950’s) is an indication of why...

The Holiday Inn

It was the summer of 1969 and I needed a job to make a little cash. I had just finished my second year of school at Wilkes College – a...

Gonzo Skydiving

At 4500 feet the glider pilot signaled to me it was time. We put our hands on the top of the cockpit canopy and pushed up hard against...

On Drawing A Line In The Sand

There will be unequivocal moments in everyone’s life when they must make a decision that will dramatically affect their existence moving...

On The Purpose of Life

The physical hardships of aging, while daunting, provide a sort of exclamation mark on your life at this point in time. When you begin to...

Camel Sex in Pittsburgh

While I didn’t understand its significance at the time, watching two camels having sex in Pittsburgh has had a profound effect on my...


We are fortunate to have had such magnificent neighbors for the 30+ years since we built our home, I thought I’d share some of the...

The Last 72 Hours

The “F” word, Yep, I use it all the time. The “N” word, Yep, I've used that too. But the “C” word! The “C” word! I've never used it and...


“Surround yourself with people better than you are.” My brother-in-law, the wisest man I know, told me that 50 years ago. I have always...

“We May Have to Remove Your Colon…”

The words went right over my head as they prepared to move me into surgery. When the doctor said “You are beginning to go septic”, I knew...

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